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Rise Again The Sabrina Best Foundation provides financial support for women in need to access quality treatment for Substance Use Disorder.


We encourage women who have found success in recovery to use their experience and education of the disease to help others find their way to sobriety.

In the News

Image by Markus Winkler
Naked Truth - Dona Speir Interviews Heather Cooper of Sabrina Best Foundation

Naked Truth - Dona Speir Interviews Heather Cooper of Sabrina Best Foundation This interview is part of a feature on Heather Cooper, Founder of RISE AGAIN-THE SABRINA BEST FOUNDTION by Recovery Today Magazine Correspondent, Dona Speir. For the entire feature, subscribe free to Recovery Today Magazine. Naked Truth – Boots on the Ground “You will only be doing as well as your worst child.” I was told that about the time my son became a teenager. I didn’t understand it until my son got older and started making decisions for himself. I would worry endlessly about things over which I had no control… his driving, his grades, his friends, etc., or if he would be an alcoholic, having been predisposed to it by both his parents. As a parent, there are things that are guaranteed to happen. Our children will get their feelings hurt; they will get in some scrapes and get physically injured; they will move out and away and grow their own wings, with or without our permission. Your child will eventually see you get old and pass away. That’s the way it’s written, that’s how we see it in movies. That’s the way we envision it. But, what if it isn’t that way? What if it all spirals out of control? What if we never really had control? What if there was another plan? Sadly, Heather Foley Cooper knows all about that. Two years ago, she lost her 25-year-old daughter Sabrina to the opioid and fentanyl crisis. After four years of a healthy, productive sober life, Sabrina picked it up again. In just a few short months, the insidious drugs took over. She died alone of an overdose. But she did not die in vain. After Sabrina passed away, something miraculous happened. Many young women contacted Heather to tell them the positive impact her daughter had made on their lives; how her sobriety and zest for life had changed them in a positive way. Heather knew her daughter's work may be done on earth, but she was left here to continue that legacy. Two months after Sabrina’s short life ended in February of 2020, Heather knew her journey had just begun. She Started RISE AGAIN-THE SABRINA BEST FOUNDTION. By May 2020 she had received her nonprofit status, and not a moment too late. She began raising money and holding events to provide scholarships for young women in long term treatment facilities. .................... For this entire feature and tons more, all free, download Recovery Today Magazine at #HeatherCooper #sabrinabestfoundation #sabrinabest #sobrietyfoundations #sober #sobercoach #AddictionMagazine #SobreityMagazine #heroinaddictionhelp #alcoholismhelp #alcoholism #alcohol #heroin #fuckheroin #depression #detox #sobriety #12steps #soberisexy #recoveryroad #drugrehab #addictiontherapist #treatmentcenter #magazine #digitalmagazine #diyopiatedetox #opiatehomedetox #naturalopiatedetox #drugaddictionrehab #drugaddictionclinic #drugaddictioncenters #opitox #soberdadmentalhealth #hope, #SobrietyMagazine #RecoveryHelp #recoveryiscool #soberdad #sobermom #DrugRehab #OpiateCrisis #OpiateDetoxFromHome #SoberisSexy #12Step #PartySober #AlcoholismHelp #FreeRecoveryhelp #sobermoms #soberdads #sobermen #soberwomen

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At Rise Again it is our mission to assist women and families during their journey of recovery. With the support of our donors, we can provide access to quality treatment, for both physical and emotional health and encourage family involvement in treatment. Easing the transition back into responsible adulthood.

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